There are many things in life that I, at one point in time, have taken for house, clean water, food on the table, heat...and the list goes on and on. Although insignificant compared to the ones mentioned, I would like to someday be able to add another to the list: a child that gets into their carseat without a battle.
I don't know when it started (seems like months ago), but Isabella has been refusing to get into her carseat. She gets into the car and wants to play with the car seat buckle but when I come around and tell her to get in so I cajjjjn buckle her I hear a loud "NO!" and she moves over as far as she can so I can't get her. If I do reach her and attempt to put her in, she fights me and I literally have to wrestle her into the seat. It kind of seems funny picturing this as I am writing, but in the moment it is anything but funny. I have to plan on leaving the house earlier than normal just so we have time for the car seat battle. I have tried bribing the girl with her favorite things and she has this stubborn side that continues to say "NO"! I have tried time outs...nothing has worked (stickers worked once but the next time it failed).
This is stressful and brings up unwanted anger at times, but when my patient husband comes in the house with the kids and he is frustrated that he cannot get our dear child into that car seat.....yes, now we have a problem, because he does not get frustrated easily with these kind of issues.
The next morning as I am sitting at the breakfast table I am praying that God would help us figure out a way for Isabella to get into that seat. I was thinking all morning of what I could do or bribe her with to make a less stressful exit. I came up with nothing.
Out to the car...Isaiah buckled in...Isabella in the car but not in her seat. I decided to just get in my seat and start the car. "Time to go....Izzy get in your seat so you can buckle your seatbelt." She climbed in (maybe with a little prodding; can't remember) and I helped her buckle up! This happened three more times today during our outings! Well, it may not have been completely perfect but no major tantrums. I did have to change it up a little: once with food and another time with a crazy accent calling her "Ma Lady" (Isaiah thought that one was funny).
Tomorrow could be a completely different day, because what works one day doesn't always work the next. But for tonight, I am going to enjoy the victory and some day I will be able to add to my list: a child that gets into their carseat without a battle!