Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kid Corner

Maybe on the days that I am frustrated and feel overwhelmed with Izzy's developmental delays, I will be able to look back on these blogs and find joy in the progress that she has made.  These seemingly insignificant progressions are what allows me to well-up inside with genuine pride at her abilities.   I periodically want to blog about my children's accomplishments as a way to remember how far they've come.  

April 2: Every Tuesday at the end of Izzy's preschool morning, all the children sit in their seats and wait for their parents to come in to pick them up.  When it is their turn they go up to the teacher, state the letter that they have learned that day and get the candy, etc that starts with or relates to that letter.  Usually Izzy runs up to her teacher (or right past her if we don't cue her) and it may take a longer time to coax the letter out of her or she may completely ignore the fact that we want her to say the letter.  This day, Izzy runs up to her teacher, teacher asks Izzy what letter they learned, Izzy says "X" (or something that sounded like X) without hesitation, takes her Twix bar and runs to me.  

April 2: On that same day, Izzy's preschool gym teacher came up to me and was beaming because Izzy said "Bye" to her.  This was the first time Izzy had spoken a word to her since the beginning of the school year in September!

April (beginning of month):  This may seem very subtle but I noticed Izzy was able to fill a cup (not quite full because it is too heavy) and then pour it out in a normal fashion.  She has not been able to do this before probably due to hand/forearm weakness, decreased coordination and just plain disinterest!

Holding the cup like normal 

Pouring the water into the sink

I am adding this picture just because I think it is cute.  I caught her this morning sitting on the "potty" with her leg crossed, reading my Mary Kay magazine!

Writing about Isaiah's accomplishments are somewhat different because it is not as specific as Izzy's.  Isaiah's speech is really developing and I am always amazed at what he picks up on.  He puts two words together (sometimes on his own and other times he is mimicking us).  Loves to say "Daddy's truck" (in a manly voice); "awww man" (o.k. that comes from me), "Izzy nooooooo"(that is starting to be a regular!).   He loves his big sister and many times asks for "Izzy" (with a lisp) after he wakes up from his nap.

He is a bit attached to his mamma and daddy and has difficulty going into the nursery at church, but usually stops screaming after 5 or so minutes.  In fact, as soon as he sees the door to the nursery he starts crying!  I am the one that races to pick him up after church just so I can see the huge smile he gives me when I come through the door!

One other thing that both kids looooove to do....they are obsessed (more so Isaiah) with dipping their food into any kind of sauce (ketchup, BBQ, sour cream, etc).  In fact, sometimes I will put a dipping sauce on their plate even if it might be a weird combination so that they will eat their vegetables.  I think they might take after their poppop with liking ketchup on everything!

What a ham!  We'll say he takes after his daddy :)


  1. I loved reading this! Journaling this way is a true gift and encouragement to yourself (and I love reading it, too!)- keep it up:-).
