Today was the day. About a month ago, Izzy was scheduled for an MRI of her brain but her pediatrician didn't clear her for it because she developed a cold. We finally rescheduled it for today. On Wednesday, she went to the pediatrician again and she cleared her, however she then started to develop a runny nose and I was concerned that they were going to cancel it again. But, the anesthesiologist didn't seem concerned because her lungs sounded clear. Here is a run down of the day....
**5:50 am: Izzy woke up bright and early...thank you darling for that! She must have known something was going on today.
**5:50 until 9:00 am: Izzy sat in our bed playing IPAD until I rolled out of bed to get myself and other things ready.
**9:00 am: got a call from the hospital saying they were running ahead of schedule (now how often does that happen!) and asked if we could come now. Sure thing...just had to get shoes and coats on and we were out the door.
**9:45 am: went to admitting office, got our lovely bracelets on with Izzy's name, birthdate, etc and were taken to pre-op area. Izzy got to wear the too big, too cute hospital pjs and socks. The pediatric anesthesiologist came in to explain what would happen and to answer any questions. About 15 minutes before taking her to the MRI area, the nurse had me give her a syringe by mouth with a drug called Versed to calm her as they were going to eventually sedate her. I asked the nurse how kids usually react to this and she said they either fall asleep, cry or become the "happy drunk". When we were ready to get transported, I sat in a w/c and held Izzy on my lap. Isaiah and hubby were walking behind in the stroller but Isaiah just couldn't have it and was crying, so we rearranged some things and I now had both kids on my lap. Isaiah was content with too fingers in his mouth and Izzy was becoming very relaxed on account of the drug. (picture below is before we were taken to MRI area)
**About 10:30 am: Got to the area where the MRI would be performed, Izzy wanted daddy to hold her and she now had become the "happy drunk"(was very smily/happy and relaxed). I gave her a kiss and told her I loved her and the anesthesiologist carried her into the MRI room. We were taken up the the waiting area and given a pager so they could find us to tell us when we were allowed to see her. We were told she would be in MRI for 45 minutes.
**12:00 pm: Still no news (I thought she should be out by now). I was getting exhausted running after Isaiah. He was non-stop the entire time, wanting to climb on the waiting room furniture, go up and down the steps and just run around. His big thing is saying hi to everyone now, so he at least made people smile with his antics. We also went to visit some of my co-workers to pass the time. At noon, I asked the woman at the front desk if she could call and see what was going on and she called and told me that Izzy was in the recovery room (she told the person on the other line that they should have called to let us know that she was out of the procedure...uh-oh...didn't want to get anyone in trouble).
**Sometime later our pager went off and they told us that we could go see Izzy in recovery but Isaiah couldn't go in. I just went. She was all snug with blankets and was in a crib. She looked somewhat dazed but was awake. She had a few nurses giving her lots of attention and one of them was even singing to her they said. Izzy then got wheeled to another room for a short time to make sure she was coming out of the anesthesia o.k. I held her and the nurse said she would probably be somewhat floppy so I should support her head. She hadn't eaten anything since last night or drank anything since this morning so she got apple juice, jello and crackers and she tolerated that well. Within minutes, daddy and Isaiah came to visit. We were continually feeding Isaiah snacks to keep him happy so it was no surprise that he had an oreo in hand and a chocolate covered mouth. Now this sparked Izzy's attention when she saw the cookie and now she wanted to jump up and go to daddy. She did pretty well walking but we had to steady her because they said she may be uncoordinated for up to 24 hours after the anesthesia.
**Around 1:00 pm: nurse said Izzy was doing well and that if we wanted to be discharged we could go. She explained the discharge papers and we were off to the car....Izzy and mommy being pushed in a w/c (this did not make Isaiah happy).
**Soon after we left in the car, Isaiah was out cold (I called that as he was non-stop on the go in the waiting area). Izzy fell asleep later in the afternoon and now I am sitting down to write.
**Did call her doctor's office to see when we would know the results and they said probably by Monday.